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Old Sturbridge Village

1 Old Sturbridge Village Rd., Sturbridge, MA, 01566 Map

(800) 733-1830

Old Sturbridge Village, the largest outdoor history museum in the Northeast, depicts a rural New England town of the early 19th century. The Village is designed to approximate the look and feel of a historic landscape and includes more than 40 historic buildings, such as houses, working farms, meetinghouses, a district school, country store, water-powered mills, professional and trade shops – all situated along the Quinebaug River on the homeland of the Nipmuc peoples. Visitors begin their self-directed exploration by entering through either the Visitor Center or the Museum Education Center and move through the museum on dirt roads and pathways. Wayfinding and interpretive signage is positioned strategically throughout the museum.

The 240 scenic acres of the museum are divided into the Center Village and Countryside. Exhibition spaces are found throughout the campus. The Center Village is a grassy common surrounded by homes, trade shops, and businesses. In the Countryside, one encounters homes, working farms, trade shops, a mill pond with three water-powered mills, and an exhibit gallery. The remainder of the exhibition spaces are in the Visitor Center and along the road to the Herb Garden.

In addition to exploring the historic village on their own, visitors may encounter other spaces that enhance the museum’s story. The Museum Education Center has activity spaces including four working hearths, a woodworking studio, and other areas to engage groups in hands-on workshops. The 300-seat Brewer Theater, located in the Visitor Center, is used for lectures, performances, and multimedia showcases.

This is a physical pass which must be checked out from and returned to the Douglas Library of Hebron.

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Passes Availability

Physical (must be picked up at the library and returned) passes are available. Select your desired visit date from the calendar below.

March 2025

Determining Availability